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Kuhachi 九八 lives in Togakushi in Nagano, Japan. 


He has more than 41 years experience of his original palm reading work and guided through a number of people.


His Japanese blog 'Kuhachi's Diary' has been popular with many readers over the last 5 years and the number of readers is still growing..


Yumi Higashibara lives in Osaka. When she was 28, she had her first experience of no self. After some other similar experiences, she experienced 'Mu' which had no subject or object whatsoever. She writes her blog and does her own talk lives as well.  



They go around Japan to give a talk about the law of coming and going and the awareness, that is, 'the reality-nature itself'. 


They came to London in May 2019 for the first time to give their talk, 


Their talk is neither duality nor nonduality, is not ' Zen', not 'Buddism' as such. ..

It is not a method, teaching or anything to know or to learn. 


It is just the law of the Universe, in other words, the functioning of being.


Profile message From Kuhachi  




' My name is Kuhachi. Nice to meet you. 


All the occurrences are occurring and disappearing at the very same time with you at the right moment. 


Everyone is a piece of perfection from the beginning. 

If you manage to get out the world of the way of thinking, you will start being able to foresee what it is about. 


It was when I was 22 years old. I was traveling in Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan.

I had a first experience of losing awareness in anything, which was like ‘there was no boundary and object to anything whatsoever’. 

Till then I had believed that I was a physical body, so I got rather fearful about this experience. 

Later it had happened again several times, and every one of them was a uniquely individual experience. 

There was nothing to be aware of at all. It was ‘nothing’ ‘Mu’. After that awareness came back.


Since then,  there has been also some kind of contact with some non-physical thinking aggregation(it calls itself ‘we’), which is linked with such American so-called 'spiritual' speakers as Bashar and Abraham. 

Including this ‘we’, everyone is based on the world of the way of thinking. 


The reality nature itself is that there is no past, future or now. 


There is no love or hate. 


This appearance is being in simultaneous functioning beyond time, space, distance and boundary.  


This simultaneous functioning is always perfect and a response function of eternity.


There is no I AM, Self, no object whatsoever.

All is the functioning of ‘the law of occurrence and extinction’ '. 


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